Back in 2012, a friend described the two years he spent in an East German jail as a political prisoner from 1988 until the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Amongst other things he detailed the way in which the prison was split between career criminals and politicos (dissents). He explained that the separation between the two was clearly defined and actively encouraged by the prison system, with politicos being targeted for more severe punishment at the hands of both the guards and the criminal class due to the political nature of their crimes.
He claimed that under this system, not only would the criminals fail to face punishment if they assaulted or even killed a political prisoner, they were actively rewarded by the guards when they did.
This description of prison life in the former DDR left me in little doubt that what he was describing was policy within the communist penal system of yet another level of persecution for political dissidents.
As I have since discovered, the Soviet system was highly adept at weaponizing every benign societal element into a political weapon with which to undermine the 'bourgeoisie'.
At that time – back in 2012, it was not obvious that we were in a culture war, and I made no further connection with the methodology he described. However by 2017 we certainly were. 2016 had been the year that the elites were handed two very major defeats as the populations of the West awoke to the direction they were being dragged – first the Britain’s decision to leave the imperialist E.U, followed by the surprise election of Donald Trump in November.
As so it was in 2017, against this backdrop, that I obtained a copy of The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. It is not as dense and impenetrable as it sounds, and I encourage everyone to get read it, as more than anything else, it details the operational methodology of the Soviet system with illuminating clarity - much of which is now being replicated and used upon Western society today.
In chapter 16: The Socially Friendly, Solzhenitsyn describes the exact same prison methodology my friend had described some forty years earlier.
In Old Russia there existed (just as there still exists in the West) an incorrect view of thieves as incorrigible, permanent criminals. Because of this the politicos were segregated from them on prisoner transports and in prisons. In Old Russia there was just one single formula to be applied to the criminal recidivists: “Make them bow their heads beneath the iron yoke of the law!” As so it was that up to 1914 the thieves did not play the boss either in Russia as a whole or in Russian prisons.
But after the Revolution..
It was found both useful and amusing that they were enemies of private property and therefore a revolutionary force, which had to be guided into the mainstream of the proletariat, yes, and this would constitute no special difficulty. Reasoning on a social basis: wasn’t the ‘environment’ to blame for everything? So let us re-educate these healthy lumpenproletarians and introduce them into the system of conscious life.
Here is what our laws were like for 30 years – to 1947: For robbery from the State; embezzlement of state funds; a packing case from a warehouse, or three potatoes taken from a state farm – 10 years! (After 1947 it was as much as 20 years).
But robbery of a ‘free person’ ? Supposed they cleaned out an apartment; carting off on a truck everything the family had acquired in a lifetime. If it was not accompanied by murder, then the sentence was ‘up to one year’; sometimes six months.
The thieves flourished, because they were encouraged.
Thorough its laws the Stalinist power said to the thieves clearly: Do not steal from me! Steal from private persons! You see, private property is a belch from the past (But personally assigned VIP property is the hope of the future). And the thieves, they understood… Did they steal where it was difficult, dangerous, where they could lose their heads? No, they pushed their way in where they were encouraged to push their way in.
How many citizens who were robbed knew that the police didn’t even bother to look for the criminals, didn’t even set a case in motion?
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
So the message was clear: Steal from the state and you are an anti-revolutionary worthy of the most severe punishment, but steal private property, and you are facilitating the revolution in reaching the deepest corners of bourgeois thinking and resistance.
This is an extension to the penal system previously described, as it explains how the Soviets engaged in the political weaponization of criminal activity against their ideological enemies.
Modern Manifestations
It wasn't until 2022 and BLM’s summer of manufactured rage that the penny dropped for me, and I began recognizing the same Soviet methodology at play across many of our nascent woke utopias.
Today we can see how these operational policies are being applied to our own modern liberal societies.
The Black Lives Matter politicized looting and destruction that resulted in at least 17 deaths and $2 billion in property damage is a modern application of the methodology described above; as was the Defund The Police movement which emerged from it, and which resulted in yet more unchecked and open criminality being unleashed upon society. Both of which were aided and abetted by Soros installed DA’s selectively applying the law in Democrat run cities across America - such as releasing dangerous criminals back onto the street, whilst pursuing the politically driven prosecution of police officers and anyone who dared to protect their property or communities from the mobs.
However, our diet-Soviet errand boy politicians and their globalist handlers have not restricted themselves to the politicization of the criminal class or the corrupt judicial system, they have also weaponized drug use, homelessness and engineered mass migration to create what could only be described as asymmetrical cultural warfare upon the target society …the results of which you can see for yourself.
California decides not to prosecute thefts under $950.
Cities such as San Francisco, Portland and Seattle have essentially legalized crime and degenerated into dangerous shit holes infested with synthetic opioids and lawlessness.
Seattle continues to go backward on crime — as much as 30 years back
Fewer people want to go there, and increasingly less want to live there, or operate a business under such conditions. Leftist policies have destroyed the city and rendered it unliveable. Cities like San Fransisco no longer prosecute thefts under $950 - try running a downtown business under those conditions.
Modern Dissidents
Equally, you can see how the Biden and Trudeau regimes deal with political dissidents; how their treatment deviates from judicial norms and follows the same pattern of isolation and torture that the Soviet system employed.
In the U.S. there are dozens of people being held in solitary confinement in appalling conditions, or handed hefty sentences for the crime of entering the Capitol Building after being ushered in by the capitol police on Jan 6th 2021.
Whilst here in Canada we have four men who have been held in solitary confinement without trial for their part in the blockade of the Coutts Crossing in Alberta during the Trucker's Protests, after the Trudeau government and RCMP fabricated terror plot charges. These men have been held in jail for over 600 days and have been denied the opportunity to face their accusers in court. They have been illegally imprisoned for so long now that they have become known as the #Coutts4.
What I have described are the policies of an undeclared war employing politically weaponized criminal activity and the persecution of dissidents. Just as in Soviet society of the 1940’s & 50’s, criminals, the homeless and addicted have been recruited to serve as soldiers in the war against those who would resist communist rule, and those who refuse will be broken without consideration of any legal rights.
They have politicized every element they can in order to undermine a previously functioning host society. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter to them if they rule over a collapsed and crushed system; all that matters is that THEY rule.